About Us



A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

Our Mission

We are a group of people who have joined together to educate, empower and support people with developmental disabilities to realize their life options and rights as well as support them to carry out personal goals. We work with our customers, their friends and families to create safe, welcoming communities to achieve this goal.


We are committed to creating communities where all people are valued, accepted and respected for their unique contributions to those communities.


Philosophy & Values

1.  The individual/their family will have control over participation in all services.

2.  We will focus on education, skill building and self sufficiency for individuals and their families/support systems.

3.  The community is the environment where all people should live, work and play.

4.  The fabric of social relationships supports individual in their communities.

5.  We will use generic community services as primary supports when possible.

6.  Communication is the cornerstone of service delivery. We will communicate in a timely polite manner with employees, customers, families, community members and Regional Center representatives.

7.  Face to Face communication is important. We will meet regularly with all the above.

8.  Organizational growth services the community and the organization. We will create a culture that supports careers in the field of serving people with developmental disabilities.

We value and respect all people regardless of disability, ability, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, culture, income level or social status.

Our vision

It is our vision that one day there will exist communities in which all people with developmental disabilities are accepted and included in the day to day activities of their communities through valued relationships, meaningful work and respected roles as community members.

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